Early identification of symptoms that denote danger to valve’s lifespan could save lots of time, efforts and costs.
The threats to Valve’s life are often indirect. For instance, a seal leakage doesn’t remain limited to a seal issue, but quickly escalates to affect the life of the valve itself. Knowing the symptoms helps redress issues before they escalate and ensure full service life.
Here are five major threats to the valve’s life!
When the seal wears out quickly, valve’s life is endangered
Leakage in seals can be way more costlier than you think. Seals begin to wear out faster when they are subjected to pressure. In extreme cases, pressure can result in cracking of seals as well as other components of the valve. It can throw the seal off from its seat and leakage occurs. This situation, over time, puts the life of valves in danger.
When lubricant spills or hardens, valve’s life is at loss
Hardening of lubricant inside the valve is the result of extreme cold. Any moisture present in the valve can also harden in extremely cold conditions. On the other hand, extreme heat causes the lubricant to spill out from different points in the valve. Using valves outside the temperatures that seals material can tolerate has a serious impact on valve’s life and can reduce it rapidly.
When contamination threatens to ‘crack’ the valve’s lifeline
Cracks in the seals can develop due to contamination in the media. The presence of metal shavings cut the seal and cause leaks. Similarly, dust build up and seepage of media over time can wear down the seal. If escalated, such impurities can prevent the valve from actuating. As a result, the valve’s life is bound to a toll in the long run.
When a healthy valve jams, its a symptom of early ageing
Has your valve lost its smooth actuating capability after prolonged non-use? That’s a classic symptom of ‘lack of exercise’. If we do not exercise, our muscles stiffen over time and smooth movements become difficult. The same is true about valves. On the other hand, overuse can also shorten the valve’s lifespan.
If a valve is cycled numerous times in a day, it will cause friction and heat, which will eventually wear down the valve’s components. While seals that simply lift up and down from the seat undergo less wear and tear, the sliding seals in some valves face quite high friction. In either case, the exercise decides the valve’s life to a large extent.
The noise in the valve is a warning on its reducing life
Noise from the valve internals or due to jerky movement is nothing but a indication of early failure of valve. The reasons for noise could be many, starting from a faulty installation to inadequate lubrication, but the resulting impact in terms of reducing the life of the valve remains common. So, when a valve makes a noise, listen carefully and act swiftly.
Once the little symptoms pointing to the big problems are understood, it becomes easier to take measures that extend your valve’s lifespan.